CCASS Theme Leads: Dave Breshears, Don Falk, and Gregg Garfin
Rapid climate change is stressing biodiversity and ecosystems on which people depend. Simultaneous changes in the global economy, land use, energy and infrastructure development, and demographic factors further catalyze these effects. The UA applies a systems approach to climate adaptation that integrates consideration of the bio-, hydro- and geo-sciences with the needs of human communities and the goals of natural resource managers. Particular areas of emphasis include landscape-level change in wildlife habitats, ecosystem transformation, fire ecology, forest restoration and resilience, scenario planning, and translational ecology.
Speaker Daniel Cordalis on Holding the Line: Perspectives from the Indigenous and conservation field - September 11, 2023
Biodiversity, Water, and Climate Change in the Southwest - November 17, 2021
Fire and the Future: Tucson’s Bighorn Fire One Year Later - June 2, 2021
Fire on the Mountain: Understanding Tucson's Bighorn Fire - August 5, 2020
CCASS Virtual Ecosystem Resilience Workshop - May 5, 2020
Webinar: Extreme Heat and Ecosystems - May 1, 2020
CCASS – SW CASC Translational Ecology Brown Bag - November 9, 2018