Visiting Fellows and Scholars

ENR2 Building

Collaborations with scholars across the nation and the world in diverse fields related to climate adaptation and global change expand our collective knowledge and make our work more robust.  CCASS is proud to have sponsored the following individuals for visits to the University of Arizona.

Distinguished Visiting Fellows work with UA students, faculty, and staff for an extended period of up to 3 months; Visiting Scholars are here for shorter visits.  The list below is in chronological order of visit, with most recent listed first.


Lisa Dilling

Director, Western Water Assessment
Associate Professor of Environmental Studies, University of Colorado, Boulder

John Furlow

Senior Climate Change Specialist - U.S. Agency for International Development

Richard Moss

Senior Staff Scientist - PNNL Joint Global Change Research Institute

Jeff Arnold

Lead Climate Scientist - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Sirkku Juhola

Assistant Professor - Urban Environmental Policy, University of Helsinki

Benjamin Preston

Deputy Director - Climate Change Science Institute, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Morgan Rodman

Executive Director - White House Council on Native American Affairs

Sophie Webber

Postdoctoral Scholar - University of California Los Angeles

Dave White

Director - Decision Center for a Desert City Arizona State University

Kyle Whyte

Associate Professor - Philosophy and Community Sustainability, Michigan State University

Michelle Wyman

Executive Director - National Council for Science and the Environment