CCASS Theme Leads: Courtney Crosson, Andrea Gerlak, Kathy Jacobs, and Beth Tellman
Effective water planning in the face of climate challenges in the arid Southwest, nationally, and beyond U.S. borders goes beyond assessing water quality and supply, and includes consideration of extreme events (e.g., drought, floods, heat), ecosystem needs/services, transboundary waters, stakeholder engagement, governance, and socioeconomic factors. CCASS focuses in particular on solutions related to river systems, sustainable water management in the context of climate change, groundwater management and policy, and water governance and institutions.
Speaker Dr. Dave White on the Arizona Water Innovation Initiative - October 30, 2023
Speaker Dr. Abe Springer on Upland Land Management Influences on Hydrogeologic Processes - October 2, 2023
Flood Justice Symposium - April 20, 2023
Confluence: The Colorado River at the Compact’s Centennial - December 6, 2022
Biodiversity, Water, and Climate Change in the Southwest - November 17, 2021
Water and Infrastructure: Building for the Future - October 20, 2021
Drought in the Colorado River Basin - September 22, 2021
The Realities of Adaptation in the Water Sector - May 19, 2021
Water and COVID-19 in Indian Country - April 21, 2021
Perspectives on Regional Water Sustainability - March 17, 2021
Colorado River Scenario Planning Workshop in the Context of COVID-19 - June 11, 2020
Climate and Migration in Central America and Mexico: Drought, Vulnerability, Livelihoods and Attribution - September 13, 2019
Making the invisible, visible: Decision-making, politics and the process of sustainable adaptation - April 12, 2019
WRRC Brown Bag Talk - Navigating Water Policy in Uncertain Times: New vs. Old Paradigms - April 25, 2018
California Water: 2018 and Beyond - April 12, 2018
How myths and misinformation stand in the way of solving our water problems - February 22, 2018
ITCA: Addressing Water and Natural Resource Issues in Arizona - February 6, 2018