Don Falk

Professor - School of Natural Resources and the Environment
Chair - Global Change Ecology and Management

Adaptation Programs/Projects

Employment Highlights

  • 2015: University of Arizona Research Delegate to the 2015 UN Climate Summit in Paris
  • 1993-2002: First Executive Director, Society for Ecological Restoration, the leading international organization dedicated to the science and practice of ecological restoration
  • 1993-1994: Field Biologist and Consultant, The Nature Conservancy of Arizona
  • 1984-1993: Co-Founder and Executive Director, Center for Plant Conservation, the first national organization dedicated to the conservation of endangered plants
  • 1980-1984: Residential Energy Director, Cambridge Community Development Department

Selected Publications

  • Webb AD, DA Falk, and DM Finch. Fire Ecology and Management in Lowland Riparian Ecosystems of the Southwestern United States and Northern Mexico. US Forest Service, General Technical Report. In press.
  • Heyerdahl EK, RA Loehman, and DA Falk. 2019. A multi-century history of fire regimes along a transect of mixed-conifer forests in central Oregon, USA. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 49: 76–86. 
  • Van Mantgem P, DA Falk, EC Williams, A Das, and N Stephenson. 2018. Pre-fire drought and competition mediate post-fire conifer mortality in western U.S. National Parks. Ecological Applications 28(7): 1730–1739.
  • Keane RE, RA Loehman, LM Holsinger, P Higuera, SM Hood, and DA Falk. 2018, Evaluating resilience into the future from the past: using historical variation to develop an operational application. EcoSphere 9(9):e02414. https://doi:10.1002/ecs2.2414  
  • Gann GD, T McDonald, J Aronson, KW Dixon, B Walder, JG Hallett, K Decleer, DA Falk, EK Gonzales, C Murcia, CR Nelson, and AJ Unwin. 2018. The SER Standards: a globally relevant and inclusive tool for improving the practice. Restoration Ecology 26(3): 426-430. https://doi:10.1111/rec.12819
  • Conver JL, DA Falk, SR Yool, and RR Parmenter. 2018. Stochastic fire modeling of a montane grassland and ponderosa pine fire regime in the Valles Caldera National Preserve, New Mexico, USA. Fire Ecology 14(1): 17-31. http://doi:10.4996/fireecology.140117031  
  • Ketcham SL, JL Koprowski, and DA Falk. 2017. Differential Response of Native Arizona Gray Squirrels and Introduced Abert's Squirrels to a Mosaic of Burn Severities in the Santa Catalina Mountains. Mammal Study 42: 247–258.
  • Kitzberger T, DA Falk, AL Westerling, and TW Swetnam. 2017. Direct and indirect climate controls predict heterogeneous early-mid 21st century wildfire burned area across western and boreal North America. PLoS One 12(12): e0188486.
  • Guiterman CH, EQ Margolis, CD Allen, DA Falk, and TW Swetnam. 2017. Long-term persistence and frequent fire suggest future increased landscape dominance of shrubfields in northern New Mexico. Ecosystems 1-17. http://DOI:10.1007/s10021-017-0192-2  
  • Evans MK, DA Falk, A Arizpe, TL Swetnam, F Babst, and KE Holsinger. 2017. Fusing tree-ring and forest inventory data to infer influences on tree growth. EcoSphere 8(7):e01889. http://doi:10.1002/ecs2.1889


  • PhD, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Arizona
  • MA, Environmental Policy, Tufts University
  • BA, Interdisciplinary Studies, Oberlin College
Geographic Area
Madrean Sky Islands
Northern Mexico
Western US
Language Area
Expertise Area
Ecosystem Management
Fire Ecology
Fire History
Forest Ecology
Resilience Ecology
Restoration Ecology