The Promise, Practice, and Prospects of Translational Ecology
Please join us for a CCASS Brown Bag Meeting and Panel Discussion, co-sponsored by the Southwest Climate Adaptation Science Center: The Promise, Practice, and Prospects of Translational Ecology, November 9 from 12:30-2:00 pm in ENR2, Room N604.
Translational Ecology: Modeled after translational medicine, the field aims to connect researchers in ecology with the people who apply that research on a day-to-day basis—policy makers, local governments, and natural resource managers. Translational Ecology aims to increase the use of ecological science in decision-making—such as fire management, forest and land management, and fish and wildlife habitat restoration—through best practices in the collaborative development of actionable science. For more information, please visit https://www.swcasc.arizona.edu/translational-ecology.
The goal of this event is to stimulate discussion about translational ecology, draw attention to UA’s capacity in this emerging field, and to build out CCASS’ engagement and collaborative process theme area, for ecosystem adaptation challenges, and to strengthen UA’s network of researchers working on collaborative process. Please send an email to RSVP to aleinberger@email.arizona.edu as soon as possible, as spaces are limited.
Gregg Garfin, School of Natural Resources and the Environment, University Director, Southwest Climate Adaptation Science Center
Introductory Talk:
Steve Jackson, USGS Director, Southwest Climate Adaptation Science Center
Don Falk, Professor, School of Natural Resources and the Environment
Elise Gornish, Cooperative Extension Specialist, School of Natural Resources and the Environment
Monica Ramirez-Andreotta, Assistant Professor, Department of Soil, Water and Environmental Science