Neha Gupta

Assistant Research Professor - Arizona Institute for Resilience (AIR)

Adaptation Programs/Projects

Employment Highlights

  • Arizona Board of Regents, 2022. Collaborator and Project Manager with late PI Thomas Meixner and current PI Kathy Jacobs with partners Arizona Department of Water Resources and researchers from University of Arizona, Arizona State University, and Northern Arizona University to enhance recharge in Arizona.
  • University of Arizona Research, Innovation, and Impact (RII) International Research Grant, 2022. Collaborator with PI Adriana Zuniga-Terran, UA partners Greg BarronGafford and Kenneth Kokroko, and University of Western Australia researchers to conduct pilot international collaborative project to link ecosystem services, landscape design, and equity.
  • University of Arizona Arizona Institutes for Resilience (AIR), 2021. Collaborator with PI Kathy Jacobs and partners City of Tucson and Tucson Climate Coalition to facilitate community workshops to inform City of Tucson Climate Action Plan.

Selected Publications

  • Gerlak, A., Baldwin, B., Zuniga-Teran, A., Colella, T., Elder, A.,  Bryson, M., Gupta, N., Yang, B., Doyle, T., Heflin, S., MacAdam, J., Hanshaw, K., McCoy, A., Wilson, J.K. 2022. A Collaborative Effort to Address Maintenance of Green Infrastructure through a University-Community Partnership. Socio-Ecological Practice Research,
  • Meixner, T., Berkowitz, A.R., Downey, A.E., Pillich, J., LeVea, R., Smith, B.K., Chandler, M., Gupta, N., Rullman, S., Woodroof, A. and Cherrier, J., 2021. Rapid Assessment and Long-Term Monitoring of Green Stormwater Infrastructure with Citizen Scientists. Sustainability,  Vol. 13, issue 22, p. 12520.
  • Gerlak, A.K., Elder, A., Thomure, T., Shipek, C., Zuniga-Teran, A., Pavao-Zuckerman, M., Gupta, N., Matsler, M., Berger, L., Henry, A.D. and Yang, B., 2021. Green Infrastructure: Lessons in Governance and Collaboration From Tucson. Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development, Vol 63, issue 3, pp.15-24.
  • Ibsen, P.C., Borowy, D., Dell, T., Greydanus, H., Gupta, N., Hondula, D.M., Meixner, T., Santelmann, M.V., Shiflett, S.A., Sukop, M.C. and Swan, C.M., 2021. Greater aridity increases the magnitude of urban nighttime vegetation-derived air cooling. Environmental Research Letters, Vol. 16 issue 3, p. 34011.


  • PhD, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Arizona
  • MS, Geological Sciences (Hydrogeology), Ohio State University
  • BS, Geological Sciences, Ohio State University
Geographic Area
Western US
Expertise Area
Human Dimensions of Climate Change
Interdisciplinary Problem-Solving
Natural Resources Management
Public Policy and Governance
Stakeholder Engagement and Outreach
Sustainability Options and Infrastructure
Water Conservation, Supply, and Demand