Colorado River Conversations Conference Report Released

Amy McCoy
CCASS is excited to announce the release of our Colorado River Conversations Conference Report! Held on October 28-30, 2019, the Colorado River Conversations Conference brought together 110 citizens of the Colorado River Basin. Participants traveled from all seven Colorado River Basin states, Mexico, and six Tribal Nations, motivated by the upcoming re-negotiation of the 2007 Colorado River Interim Guidelines.
The conference provided a venue for researchers, practitioners, and stakeholders to discuss innovative ideas for future management of the Colorado River. Over three days, presenters emphasized the importance of managing the river as a system, building on past collaborative efforts, protecting the environment in more robust ways, incorporating scientific knowledge into decision-making, and bringing in new voices to address the future of the river. Heading toward 2026, participants emphasized the need to expand the conversation beyond shortage guidelines and reservoir operations so as not to miss an important window of opportunity to address a variety of important issues.
CCASS is grateful to all participants in the Colorado River Conversations Conference. Special thanks are due to the Walton Family Foundation and to the speakers, facilitators, and staff who made these conversations possible.