Derek Lemoine
Assistant Professor - Economics

Adaptation programs/projects:
- The Climate Risk Premium: How Uncertainty Affects the Social Cost of Carbon
Expect Above Average Temperatures: Identifying the Economic Impacts of Climate Change
Selected publications:
- Lemoine, D., and C. Traeger, 2014. Watch your step: Optimal policy in a tipping climate, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 6(1): 137–66, 2014. doi:10.1257/pol.6.1.137.
- Lemoine, D., and S. Kapnick, 2016. A top-down approach to projecting market impacts of climate change. Nature Climate Change, 6(1): 51-55. doi:10.1038/nclimate2759
- Lemoine, D., and C.P. Traeger, 2016. Economics of tipping the climate dominoes. Nature Climate Change, 6(5): 514-519. doi:10.1038/nclimate2901
- Ph.D., Energy and Resources, University of California Berkeley, 2011
- M.A., Economics, University of California Berkeley, 2010
- M.S. Energy and Resources, University of California Berkeley, 2007
- B.A., Philosophy, Integrative Environmental Solutions, The University of the South (Sewanee, TN), 2003
Expertise Area
Alternative/Renewable Energy
Resource Economics