Kacey Ernst

Associate Professor - Epidemiology and Biostatistics


  • On the Edge: Dengue and Climate - an NIH-funded research project examining the role of climate in the dynamics of Aedes aegypti in the Arizona-Sonora border region.
  • Kidenga: A community-based surveillance app - a citizen-science project intended to empower communities with information about the risk of Aedes-mosquito borne viruses which are an increasing threat to communities in the southern United States in part due to changes in climatic patterns

Selected Publications

  • Morin, C.W., A.C. Comrie, K. Ernst, 2013.  Climate and dengue transmission: Evidence and implications. Environmental Health Perspectives, 121(11-12):1264-72. PMID: 24058050.
  • Ernst, K.C., C. Morin, H. Brown, 2015. Extreme weather events and the risk of vector-borne diseases. In Handbook of Public Health in Natural Disasters, pp. 489-512. Human Health Handbooks, 10.3920/978-90-8686-806-3_28.
  • Morin, C.W., A.J. Monaghan, M.H. Hayden, R. Barrera, K.C. Ernst, 2015. Meteorologically driven simulations of dengue epidemics in San Juan, PR. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 9, e0004002. doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0004002.
  • Monaghan, A.J., K.M. Sampson, D.F. Steinhoff, K.C. Ernst, K.L. Ebi, B. Jones, and M.H. Hayden, 2015. The potential impacts of 21st century climatic and population changes on human exposure to the virus vector mosquito Aedes aegypti. Climatic Change, doi:10.1007/s10584-016-1679-0. 
  • Monaghan, A.J., C.W. Morin, D.F. Steinhoff, O. Wilhelmi, M. Hayden, D.A. Quattrochi, M. Reiskind, A.L. Lloyd, K. Smith, C.A. Schmidt P.E. Scalf, K. Ernst, 2016. On the seasonal occurrence and abundance of the Zika virus vector mosquito Aedes Aegypti in the contiguous United States. PLOS Currents Outbreaks. 2016 Mar 16. Edition 1. doi:10.1371/currents.outbreaks.50dfc7f46798675fc63e7d7da563da76.


  • PhD, Epidemiology, University of Michigan, 2006
  • MPH, Epidemiology, University of Michigan, 2002
  • BA, Chemistry, Lawrence University, 1997
Geographic Area
Latin America and Caribbean
Sub-Saharan Africa
Expertise Area
Interdisciplinary Problem-Solving
Public Health