Webinar: Moving to Evidence-Based Adaptation

Part 1 of the EcoAdapt Monitoring and Evaluation of Adaptation Series


11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., March 16, 2022

This panel will provide an introduction to adaptation monitoring and evaluation (M&E) theory and practices. The session will cover four aspects of M&E:

1. An introduction to the role of monitoring in helping foster clarity of goals, inclusion of equity and nature, and learning if you are achieving success.

2. Examples and lessons of an M&E approach used by sites across the country.

3. An inventory of resilience metrics for M&E practice in adaptation.

4. How M&E could be incorporated into actions at each level of the Steps to Resilience.


  • Lara Hansen, Chief Scientist and Executive Director, EcoAdapt

  • Jarrod Loerzel, Research Social Scientist, Community Resilience Group, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

  • Susi Moser, Director and Principal Scientist, Susanne Moser Research & Consulting

  • Jennie Hoffman, Director, Adaptation/Insight

Session Moderator: Dr. Lara Hansen, Chief Scientist and Executive Director, EcoAdapt