Fall 2020 University Climate Change Coalition Internship Opportunity Announced

The University Climate Change Coalition (UC3) University-Community Sustainability Leadership Program is announcing the availability of paid internships in an innovative new program focused on solutions to pressing climate and environmental issues that require collaborative approaches to problem solving.
Fall 2020 Internship Opportunity!
The University of Arizona/Tucson Community leadership program is beginning with fully remote, paid internship opportunities for the Fall 2020 semester (September - December), with a more comprehensive program anticipated to start in January. Interns accepted into the program will be paired with community and university mentors to develop and implement place-based projects that engage the campus and surrounding communities around issues of sustainability, environment, and/or climate action. These projects will provide service opportunities for University of Arizona students and community members. Additionally, interns will engage in training coordinated by UC3 to develop skills related to building collaborative solutions to a range of problems. The internship is expected to require 8-10 hours per week; this may vary somewhat throughout the project duration.
The Fall 2020 internship program is accepting applications from undergraduate students, graduate students, and community members. No prior experience is required for this opportunity; applicants will be prepared to accomplish program goals through support from mentors within the program. Undergraduate student interns may choose to pursue internship credit via the enrollment of 3 academic credit hours through university departments as appropriate, but this is not required. Stipends of approximately $1,000 are available for fall semester interns.