
8 a.m., Oct. 29, 2018
ENR2 Building, 1064 E Lowell St, Room N604
Please join us for an exciting breakfast roundtable discussion with Susi Moser on Monday, October 29 from 8:00-9:30 am in room N604 of the ENR2 building. Susi is Director and Principal Researcher of Susanne Moser Research & Consulting in Santa Cruz, California, and she is also a CCASS Adaptation Fellow. She is well-known for her work with government agencies, non-profits, foundations, and other researchers and consultants that focuses on adaptation to climate change, resilience, transformation, science-interactions, and effective climate change communication. This a great opportunity to speak with Susi, and we are encouraging all students interested in adaptation to attend.
Mira Theilmann